Special Education and Regional Center Blog
In general, the school district has an obligation to “identify, locate and evaluate” all children with disabilities who may be eligible for special education, including those who are attending private schools or are homeless or wards of the court. 34 Code of federal Regulations [C.F.R.] Sec. 300.111; California Education Code (Cal. Ed. Code) Secs. 56300 & 301. This is called “child find.”
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As you might have heard, generally the regional center is the “payer of last resort.” That means that if there is any other “payer” available parents/clients are required to ask that payer to pay first before the regional center will pay for the service or support. Other payers might include health insurance (both private and Medi-Cal), the school district, or other governmental agencies.
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This is a good article from The Washington Post that discusses how to make the most of your child’s IEP: https://goo.gl/tdstUe
The Five Recommendations in the article are:
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What should a you, as a parent do if the IEP team says no to your request at an IEP Meeting.
Prior Written Notice Letter.
The first thing that should happen if the district denies your request at the IEP is for the district to
IEP Meeting can be stressful, but being well prepared can help lower that stress. Take these steps to help your next IEP meeting to run smoothly.
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