Amster Law Firm is exclusively dedicated to the practice in special education and disability law. We are here to help you through the entire process from start to finish. We can assist with your special education services, as well as regional center services and In-Home Supportive Services. Our goal is to maximize your child’s potential through advocacy.
Special Education

Regional Center
- Independent Facilitator in the Self-Determination Program
- Case Plan and Analysis
- Representation at Individual Family Services Plans (IFSP) meetings
- Representation at Individual Program Plan (IPP)
- Regional Center Eligibility Representation
- Representation at Informal Resolution Sessions/Mediation
- Fair Hearings
- Self Determination Program Assistance
- Securing needed services such as: Respite, Medi-Cal Waiver, Therapies, Payment of Co-pays and Deductibles for Therapies, Daycare

Parent Support
- Please review resources page and blogBlog, there are many help links.
- Amster Law Firm is available to speak on a wide-range of topics to groups of any size. Please contact us.